Mungkin anda berfikir, akulah manusia yang paling tidak beruntung dan bodoh, karena kecintaan ku terhadap negeri ku lebih besar dari yang kau dapat dari ku...tapi satu hal yang kau tahu, bahwa aku berjalan bersama suatu kebenaran yang dunia telah menolaknya...sebab yang ku tahu...kebenar itu akan memerdekakan aku.

3 Agu 2010

Pacific Island Forum: West Papua

Indonesia Human Rights Committee,
Box 68-419,
2 August, 2010
Media Information: The Indonesia Human Rights Committee has sent the letter below to Prime Minister John Key on the eve of his departure for the Pacific Island Forum in Vanuatu.
Internationally and regionally there is growing awareness of the need for new approach to the long-running conflict in West Papua. Vanuatu has pledged to take the issue of West Papua to the next UN General Assembly and 50 US Congresspeople have just made an appeal to President Obama to prioritise the issue and to meet with Papuan people during his forthcoming visit to Indonesia.

Pacific Island Forum West Papua | Scoop News
The Indonesia Human Rights Committee has sent the letter below to Prime Minister John Key on the eve of his departure for the Pacific Island Forum in ...

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