A Report on the violent conflict in the nation of Papua during the period of the general election for the legislature and presidency in April, May, June 2009)
By Markus Haluk
Sep 20, 2009, 14:02
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A Report on the violent conflict in the nation of Papua during the period of the general election for the legislature and presidency in April, May, June 2009)
By Markus Haluk
(From the Working Team for National Consensus of the People of Papua)
Jayapura, 31 Juli 2009
For those who love and fight for Justice for the People of Papua who I respect, this is an opportunity for the Working Team for National Consensus to consider the events of the period of the general election for the legislature (9th April) and presidency on the 8th July 2009.
In line with our experience and writings during these events of violence in these last four months of continuous rising disasters, beginning with messages coming out of the threat of violence and terror via SMS messages, the appearance of terrifying and intimidating messages over the media, arbitrary arrests, imprisonment by the armed forces of civilians, the suppression of all our rights:
freedom, democracy, human and legal rights; inhuman shootings, attacks by the armed forces whether groups were or were not known to be from the TPN/OPM; plane crashes; searching offices and citizens’ houses, especially those suspected of flying the Bintang Kejora flag when the plane crashed in Papua. Nearly all the time during this period some of these things were happening.
This report is written in 3 major parts and some smaller sub-sections. In Part I, we give a detailed account of the physical and psychological violence that has happened in this period of four months (April, May, June and July).
Then, in Part II we will make a map and analyse the details of the events. Some of the violence which happened which we are looking at happened in the city of Jayapura, unfortunate event of the plane crash in Mambramo Raya district, the terror events in the city of Jawijaya, the attacks in Nabire district, the fire attack in Puncak Raya and the shootings in Timika. Besides this, we review the direction of the country of Papua in this violent conflict and see what the end will be, and we will also look at the period during the leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhuyono, and the hopes we have for the leadership in the future. Part III of our report is a closure. In this part we will try to give some conclusions which are yet to be confirmed.
The sources of this report are from our experience and views of the actual things that have happened during the election period. The report is written from notes we have kept, and we have also used media sources from the daily press printed in Jayapura such as Cenderawasih Pos, Bintang Papua and the Papua Times.
Finally we are aware that this report is not perfect for broadcasting, even though we have received reports from all sides and carefully documented them. Before finishing this prologue, I want to quote this message:
“On this rock I place the future of the people of Papua; our people have great wisdom, local knowledge and mystical knowledge, but do not have leadership of their own. The people will be raised up and their leadership will come from themselves.” Izaak Samuel Kinje, Aitumeri Wasior Minggu, 25 Oktober 1925.
Jayapura Papua Barat, 31 July 2009
Markus Haluk
Leader of the Working Team
The violent conflict in the nation of Papua during the period of the general election for the legislature and presidency in April to July 2009, at the time was very sharp. The conflict lasted for four months, carried out between the armed forces (Police and TNI) and other groups unknown, as well as by TPN and OPM. All forms of violence that happened we have categorized into 10 groups of problems; namely:
1.Sacking of offices and houses, and arbitrary arrests;
2.Silencing the rights of the people of Papua and arbitrary arrests;
3.Abduction and arrest;
4.arbitrary visits, detention and terror;
5.discovery of bombs;
6.Attacks on groups not known to be TPN/OPM;
7.Attacks and shootings by the armed forces;
8.Arrests after seizing the Bintang Kejora;
9.“Legal” processes which deny the human rights of the people of Papua;
10.Plane accidents.
The different kinds of violence which have been experienced are seen below:
No.Kind of violence Number of incidents Number of
victims Explanatio Arrests violence death
01. Ransack office/house
And arbitrary arrest 6 73 30 -
02. Suppression of human rights and arbitrary arrest 4 7 1 -
03.Abduction and arrest 7 21 9 1
04. Arbitrary visits and arrest 5 - - -
05. Bomb discovery 4 - - -
06. Attacks on people not known as TPN/OPM 10 6 12 10
07. Attacks and shootings by armed forces 18 4 45 10
08. Seizure of flags and arrest 10 - - -
09. Legal process denying basic human rights
10. Plane accidents 4 - 2 16
11 Total 83 141 112 37
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 1
Summary ………………………………………………………………………2
Contents ……………………………………………………………………… 3
Part 1: The problem of terror and violence ……….…………………… 4
A. Incidents of TERROR……………………………….…………… 4
1). Terror as a message…………………………..…………………. 4
2). Terror actions in front of the public ….……………………... 6
B. Ransacking, arrest and Violence during and after the legislative
and presidential election ……………………………………………......... 7
1) Ransacking and arbitrary arrest ……………………………….. 7
2) Suppression of human rights and arbitrary arrest ………………… 12
3) Abduction and arbitrary arrest ……….…….…………………… 12
4) Terror visits ………………………………………………… 14
5) Bomb discoveries ……………………………………….…….……… 15
6) Attacks on people not known as TPN/OPM……………..….…… 15
7) Attacks and shootings by security forces …………………… 16
8) Seizure of flags and arrest ………………………………….….. 19
9) Legal process denying basic human rights ………………….… 19
10) Plane accidents……………………………………………………….… 20
Part II. Analysis of the experience of violence and the effects on the country, and the prospects of resolving the violence in Papua…………… 21
A. Analysis of the violence in some of the districts and cities of Papua………. 21
1) The city and district of Jayapura …………………………………….. 21
2) District of Jayawijaya …………………………………………………….. 23
3) District of Nabire …………………………………………………………. 24
4) District of Puncak Jaya ………………………………………………........ 25
5) District of Mambramo Raya ……………………………………………… 25
6) District of Yapen-serui ……………………………………………………. 26
7) District of Timika ………………………………………………………….. 26
B. Violent actions in Papua and their effects on the country ………….….. 29
C. The prospect and hope for a solution to the violence……………………… 30
Part III: Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 33
The problem of terror and the violent movements in the country
A.The problem of terror
The emergence of the issue of terror among the people of Papua during the conduct of the election for the legislature on 9 April, and Presidency on July 8, 2009, has been seen in the violence and fear which has been present among the people. As well as this, a lot of the terror is directed at the human rights and democracy activists of Papua. The type and way of using terror is as follows:
Mental or psychological terror is systematically used in some of the following ways:
A short message (SMS) is sent, a telephone call where no-one answers, the distribution of papers and posters in the street and public places, and the incitement of some individuals against others. As well as this, there is the issue of boycotting the election which caused the country as a whole to be seriously threatened.
1. During the running of the election and for some days after it, there was a group of people who built up a big issue about the Mountain People (Wamena) to burn down the market at Yotefa, burn the shopping centre Multi Groceries at Kamkey, in Kamkey near Abepura, the issue of the attack on the Expo in Wamena, in Angkasapura, Jayapura, and the Jayapura district market. In some of these events above there was provocation built up by talking about the Mountain People of Papua, especially the people of Wamena. At the same time Papuan people from the coastal areas and migrant people were attacked or became victims.
1.Terror through SMS messages:
In the following table I have illustrated some of the contents of SMS messages which spread terror which I myself and other citizens of Papua received.
No. Hand phone Time Contents of the message Notes
01. +62-85244889671 6 April, at 14:37:59 Hey coward, it would be better if you killed yourself. You Papuans will never get freedom even if you live 1000 years.
6 April 2009, 21:44;41 Your God is the devil and you will not live much longer.It would be good if you would wash, you mangy dog.
By the same hand phone.
03.6April, 22:49;16 Brother – where are you? We are friends who love you, intelligence is everywhere around trying to catch you…
By the same hand phone
04. 6 April , 23:51;49 Hey mangy dog, later there was information about the shooting and arrest, and there was a long email sent by PY 2515 Police When I asked who it was this time, I was answered that I would find out when I was arrested.
05. +62-81248388604 8 April, 19:20;34 I ask your pardon, but in tomorrow’s election we will not be choosing you. In your commentary in the media (Cenderawasih Pos) today is proof that you are so small minded a nationalist that you are fighting to cause havoc in Papua and run from the police. We will finish you off by voting for a new face who is more nationalist, from the PPDI (Strong Democracy Party?) No. 1 by the name of Dr. H. Sulaeman L. Hamzah.
Pada saat saya (Markus Haluk) was abducted on 7th April in front of the Dian Harapan hospital, together with Mama Josepa Alomang, Mama Ferdinanda Yatipai Ibo, Matius Murip the father of Komarudin Watubun as leader of the DPRP, Province of Papua, who addressed the DPRP. At this time Mr Domarundin protested hard against the arrests by the police, through the daily Cenderawasih Pos edition 8 April 2009.
06. +62-81248932502 23 Juni 2009, 16: 48;47 Hey Markus Haluk, and your mother Yosepa, dorang jual kitong harga diri dan kitong bangsa Papua. You are looking for a chance to make your name, but your name is rotten. You’re looking for donations to become DAP, MRP, DPRP just for your own self, the two of you. You go to special meetings with the KNPB (National Committee of West Papua) for your own self interest. But you will soon be dead. You are trying to beat us, but you are just a traitor, a pig, a dog.
This was a provocative message which maligned the people and assassinated the character of the Papuan people.
07.16 Juli 2009 Friend, you have sent a message to your pro-Papua Merdeka friends in Puncak Jaya, Jayapura, mambramo, timika and other places in Papua, about a conspiracy theory between the governor, the DPRP, Mil.
Commander and the head of police and the armed forces in Papua are using trillions of rupiah in Special Autonomy funds which have been mis-appropriated; these funds are actually being used to put down your insurrection. So watch out. This SMS was sent by one of the members of the security forces to one of the members of Tapol who was under arrest.
08. +62-8124815099725 April Hello, friend Leo Imbir, we had a look at your commentary in the paper about the conflict situation during the election. Friend, I’ve never seen any such filth as this. Friend you write well. You are one smart man, but useless to a people who are oppressed. So you must be from DPO-OPM-TPN. Our cameras are watching you. You are in our focus. An SMS we received from General Secretary of DAP.
09. 24 April We’re on a high level of security on 18 April because we have information that there is to be an attack and a big demonstration on 25April 2pm.Thelocation:Abe markets, Kotaraja,Abepantai, to chase away new arrivals, which is being organized for Buktar Tabuni. The purpose of this action is to free Buctar Tabuni and take him to PNG. I am watching from Mil. Command. This provocative SMS was sent by one of the members of the TNI to a Papuan citizen.
2). Terror actions and public declarations by the security forces
In this sub-section we outline the full range of actions and declarations which are part of the mental and psychological terror which has been imposed on our people.
On 20 February 2009: The issue of the taking hostage of the Head of KPUD for the Province of Papua, which became a problem handled by National Intelligence, brought a serious reaction from the Police in Papua, a reaction which has not been proven by evidence which would justify the mental terror visited on the people of Papua, by Police and Brimob making a scene simulating a hostage taking o n Friday 20 February in the mall of the Papua Trade Centre.
On 19 Mei 2009; The Police Criminal Research Directorate of Papua Kombes Pol Drs. Bambang Rudi Pratiknyo, said that as part of the mental terror and fear on the civilian population of Papua, the release of two sketches of the faces of two citizens who are suspected of being involved in torture of four other citizens, a motor bike taxi rider, from Wamena during the election on 9th April, and three other victims at the National Housing Authority III Waena, Jayapura on 13th April 2009. The names of the two suspects were not released, but it is suspected that the two were immigrants from Java.
1.On the 46th anniversary of KODAM, in his celebration address the Territorial Military Commander HUT ke-46 KODAM, Major-General Nasution of the TNI Airforce said that disruption of social order was happening in Papua as part of the game plan of “other groups”, and he also said that it involved interference from foreign hands which were connected to the NKRI (Communist Party).
2.On 7 June 2009, as part of the mental terror and fear on the civilian population of Papua by the Indonesian government, large numbers of police were sent, backed up by three companies of Brimob from Police HQ, Jakarta, to protect the Presidential election process in July. This was stated by the Head of Police, Director-General Dr. FX Bagus Ekodanto, who admitted that three companies of Brimob had arrived in Jayapura.
3.On 18 June 2009, the Head of Police in Papua said that there were still groups who wanted to disrupt the election process, and this was the reason he had to add to the strength of the military forces defending Papua.
B.Search, arbitrary arrest and violence during the legislative and presidential election
As part of this we see violence happening in Papua throughout the period from April to July during the legislative and presidential election.
1.Search and arbitrary arrest
1)On 3 April at 10.00 am Papua time, a group of Security Police seized Papuan people as follows:
No. Names Notes
01. Mariben Kogoya Arrested at Expo Waena
02. Dina Wanimbo Arrested at Expo Waena
03. Charles Asso Arrested at Expo Waena
04. Herad Wanimbo Arrested at Expo Waena
05. Ograd Wanimbo Arrested at Expo Waena
06. Feri Watipo Arrested at Expo Waena
07. Fendy Taburai Arrested at Expo Waena
08. Nerius Sambom Arrested at Expo Waena
09. Uray Keni Arrested at Expo Waena
10. Yance Mote Arrested at Expo Waena.
At this time in the process of being tried in Jayapura on assault charges.
11. Leonar Loho Arrested at Waena
12. Sepa Pahabol Arrested at Expo Waena
13. Viona Gombo Arrested at Expo Waena
14. Nus Kossay Arrested at Expo Waena
15. Yohanes Elopere Arrested at Waena
16. Macho Tabuni Arrested at Kapal Dock, Jayapura. Was picking up a friend just arriving from Sorong. Now in the process of being charged with assault.
17. Diaz Mauberi Arrested at Kapal Dock, Jayapura Just arrived from Sorong. Now in the process of being charged with assault.
18. Matius Wuka Detained at Police station, Jayawijaya
19. Ronny Marian Detained at Police station, Jayawijaya
20. Yonas Wandikbo Detained at Police station, Jayawijaya
The table below shows the things seized by Police in Jayapura from the office of the Cultural Office of Papua.
No. Name of things seized Number Notes
01. Locally made pistols 2 Owner unknown, whether from Papuan citizens or security forces.
02. Sarong and native weapons 2
03. Bag containing Documents 2
04. Knapsack containing private documents 1
05. US Army uniform 1
06. Small Bintang Kejora flags 110
07. Green jacket 1
08. Blue Levi jacket 1
09. A bundle of documents 30 pages Belonging to DAP
10. Boxes which contained mixed documents 3
11. A box of charitable gifts 3
12. A list of names of foreign students 4 pages
13. A red book about organizational structures 1
14. Bag and laptop 1
15. Hand phone 3 Owners: Uria Keny, Yance Mote and Neri Sambom,
16. USB and Computer 1 Milik Neri Sambom
17. Street banner 4 Bag which was used by DAP to gather information about local culture for celebration of the local people of Balim-Wamena, on National Day, 9 August 2008.
18. Change money 3 million rupiah Belonging to one of the victims
2) On 6 April 2009, 03 pm Papua time, a group of Police and TNI attacked the office of the National Committee of West Papua Barat (KNPB), in Nabire. During this attack, some people were arrested and taken to the Police station at Nabire, and one person was shot. The office was destroyed and burnt down by the security forces. The following are the names of the people arrested and imprisoned at Police station at Nabire:
1. Roy Singamui
2. Alberth Tagi
3. Yonanti Pigomo
4. Yan Yeimo
5. Frengky Boma
6. Ivo Boga
7. Hengky Tebai
4) On 9 April at 04.00 pm WP, members of the police ararived to search and arrrest without warning or charge, people at the Student Quarters at Ninmin, on Biak Street, Abepura, Jayapura. Many of the occupants saved themselves by running away. The names of those who became victims of the security forces follows:
1. Matias kogoya
2. Roni Wesareak
3. Mutianus Mijele
4. Frengky Gwijangge
5. Gerson W
6. Perni Gwijangge
7. Tarni Wandikbo
8. Selia Gwijangge
4) On 18 April 2009 at 15.15 WP, a team of Police ransacked the home of Kantius Hisage in BTN Porwadani. This ransacking was carried out without any advance warning by a summons letter. This led the security forces to arrest the following;
1. Kantius Hisage
2. Epekus Pawika
3. John Hisage
4. Jefri Haluk
5. Amiru Yomat,
6. Tina Dami
7. Dely Wenda
5) On 20 Juli 2009 at 15.00, an operation by a group of security forces led a search and arrest like storm troopers, on seven civilians of the Amungme tribe who were in the middle of the city of Timika. All the victims were just citizens carrying out their normal business on a visit to Timika. The names of those arrested follows:
No. Names Age Tribe Notes
01. Piter Victor Beanal 70 thn Amungme Head of the Tsinga family
02. Janes Uanman 68 thn Amungme Head of the Hoya family
03. Tomi Beanal 20 thn Amunme Youth
04. Eltinus Beanal 19 thn Amungme Youth
05. Simon Jawame 38 thn Amungme Father of a family
06. Domininggus Beanal 25 thn Amungme Youth
07. Jaring Beanal 16 thn Amungme Child
08. Samuel Toffly 29 thn Key Youth
09. Petrus Kanisius Luther 40 thn Tanimbar Head of a household
To check this evidence would be easy, as the arrests were done in the public streets and in the house.
Besides these arrests which denied natural justice, the group of security forces also came in large numbers and damaged the house owned by Demianus Beanal, one of the people who also works for PT. Freeport Indonesia Pty Ltd. The house is at Paulus Magal Street, Route 04 Kwamki Baru. He was tortured by being hit with a rifle butt, punched and kicked along with other means of torture against this civilian by members of the security forces.
5)On 21 July at 4pm Papua time, on Jalan Baru in the District of Kwamki Baru, Timika, a civilian was arrested. The arrest was overseen by a member of the Police Densus 88 Anti-Terror unit, with full weapons of war, using two military trucks belonging to Timika Police, two vehicles belonging to Freeport, five Avanza cars disguised, to raid the house of Michael Kum (29 years old). Without any word, the security forces immediately entered the house and went into the bathroom. The victim was resting in his shorts in the heat of the day, but was immediately taken out by force. The security forces also hit Matius Uanmang (14 years old) who was also resting in the house.
The security forces took:
1. 1 small bow and arrow which was in the house.
2. 1 kitchen tool (adze)
3. 1 kitchen machete
At the same time, on the same road, Densus 88 anti-Terror Unit also arrested three young people. They were arrested in the house of the late Damianus Jamang. The three people arrested in this house were:
1. Jan Jamang (15 years old) primary school student at Agimuka
2. Ponce Uanmang (15 thn) junior high school student at Timika
3. Hengki Uanmang (17 thn) senior high school student at Taruna, Timika
7) On 11 July, Polikarpus Ambokari (37 years old) and Mandoman Ambokari (40 years old) civilian farmers from the village of Mantembu, Serui, were arrested and hit in rage in an inhuman manner. Their house was completely razed to the ground by fire. The house of Wilson Urukwaya was searched at night (from 5 pm to 9 pm).
8) The manner in which these raids were carried out against the people of Serui has been reported to the Head of Police at Serui, AKBP, Imam Setiawan, asking that S. Iko, Nrp.66020526 be moved from the Police Station at Serui.
2)Suppression of Human rights and freedom of expression of the people of Papua through arbitrary arrest
1) On 9th March 2009, three Western people named Gabriel Babette, Piter Mariauw Smith and Ronald Wigma were arrested by the police and immigration authorities and jailed at the Police lockup in Jayapura. Afterwards they were extradited to their own countries. They were arrested because they were witnesses to the demonstration by Papuan people at the DPRP Papua building in Jayapura.
2) On the 5th April 2009, a demonstration supporting the launch of the International Year of Law in West Papua (ILWP), in Guyana, Latin America, which was intercepted and blockaded by the Police and Brimob in front of the DAP office at the Waena Expo Building in Jayapura.
3) On 5 April, there was a meeting and prayer in Jayawijaya district to support the meeting of the ILWP in Guyana, Latin Amerika, to demand that arbitrary arrests and searches be limited. At this place, police arrested some of those attending. Those arrested included:
1. Matias Wuka
2. Nikodemus Lokobal
3. Antonius Wea
4. Gabriel Kobak
4). On 9 May, a demonstration was held at the KPUD office, Manokwari, West Papua, which was broken up in a scuffle by BRIMOB troops, who suddenly arrived in a truck in front of the office and carried out a repression of the demonstration, which resulted in a riot. In this disorder one of those attending, named Zakarias Inyomosi, became a victim of BRIMOB,. He fell down and was hit and kicked, and was rendered unconscious, and was taken to the general hospital in Manokwari.
3). Kidnap and arbitrary arrest
1). On 7 April at 15.00, WP, the kidnap of the Secretary General of the Asosociation of Students of the Central Mountains of Papua, Markus Haluk, was kidnapped in front of the hospital by the Operations Team of Papua Police.
2). On 13 April at the National Housing Authority offices, three Papuans were arrested without reason, and a cassette recording of Top TV was seized bythe police, and one migrant citizen from Tikam, an unknown person, was taken to the hospital for medical treatment.
3). On 9 June at Sentani, in the district of South Jayapura, Selatan, the village head, Netar Yason, PH. Wally and Ondofolo and his relative Philep Wally, were arrested and imprisoned by Papua Police, because they were defending their right to their community land which was being taken by Bintang Mas Pty. Ltd. They were arrested to protect the interests of the company, and to deprive the traditional owners of their rights.
4). On 23 June 2009 at 2 .00 WP, Kiten Tabuni (aged 22) was picked up by some Jayawijaya police on Jalan JB Wenas Road, Wamena, in Jayawijaya district, as he was travelling in a taxi towards the District of Bolakme. After Kiten was picked up , he was put in a police car and taken to Jayawijaya, to the KP3 lockup at the Wamena airport. He spent one night there, where he was beaten up by the nightwatch police. The arrest and treatment of Kiten was not in keeping with the proper legal proceedings, because:
1. There was no arrest warrant for this arrest kepada yang bersangkutan.
2. After he was arrested there was no letter of information sent to the family of the accused
3. The police did not disclose the reason for his arrest to the accused when he was arrested
4. The rights of the accused were not exercised, but were neglected, in that he was hit while he was at the lockup at Wamena airport.
5) On 7th July 2009 at 01.42 WIT, members of the Police at Jayawijaya arrested and detained the following people:
1. Nael Elopere
2. Yesayas Elopere
3. Eliap Elopere
4. Manu Itlay
6) On 17 July, members of the police at Yapen arrested and detained at Serui, the following as suspected “separatists”:
1. Polycarpus Ambokari (27 years old)
2. Hans Ambokari (30 years old)
3. Petrus Semboari (The homes of the above three people were burnt.)
4. Dominggus Semboari (age 67)
5. Akona Ambokari (age 12)
6. Jhoni Ambokari (age 14)
7. Ari Ambikari (age 18)
8. Gerson Warmetan (age 16)
9. Anton Warmetan (age 20)
10. Aprilia Uruwaya (age 27)
4. Forced entry and terror
1) On 7 June 2009 at 10.00 WIT, Pangdam XVII Cendrawasih Major General A. Y. Nasution visited the office of the Traditional Residents (DAP). Mr Forkorus Yaboi was welcoming Mr Sambron Yarwon from Jayapura, West Papua. In this welcoming they were given some cooking tools and jackets. These things were seized:
No. Name of objects Number Who took them
01. Bottles drinking water 1 carton Intelligence Force
02. Nuts 1 bunch Intelligence Force
03. Betel nut 23 Intelligence Force
04. Sugar 3 bags Intelligence Force
05. Coffee 2 jars Intelligence Force
06. Black jackets 3 Police
07. Fruit 1 bunch Police
08. Bags of rice 6 bags Police
09. Noodles 6 cartons Police
2) On 16 April, Buctar Tabuni felt threatened because every night groups of people were spying on him while he was in his prison cell.
3) On 15 April, at about 18.00, WIT, 2 two members of the Intelligence force came asking questions about the whereabouts of the head of the Traditional Office in Balim, Black Country, Abepura, Jayapura.
4) On 20 April, 200 personnel of Brimob from Jakarta were dropped off in Papua. They arrived to help the Police to guard the province during the election on 9th April 2009.
5) On 13 April, a member of the Police in Jayawijaya said that the stabbing of eight migrant citizens between the 9th and 12th April, was carried out by the Traditional Council of Balim happened some time before the burning of the office of the Traditional Council of Balim. On the same night migrant citizens fled to the local Military Command centre, and to the Police Offices in Jayawijaya.
5. Discovery of a bomb
1) On the 11th April, a high-explosive bomb was discovered on the bridge at Kali Tami, in the district of Kerom. The distance from the bomb to the nearby TNI guard post was about 50 metres.
2) On the 12th April, three bombs were discovered at Rakitan. The bombs had been modified so that the one with the greatest explosive power would explode about half a metre from an electric conduit which would cause great destruction. Bom tersebut This bomb was discovered in a rubbish tip beside the Sumber Makmur store in Abepura.
6. Attack by a group not known to be TPN-OPM
1) On the 8th April, at 1 am WP, there was an attack by the Police at Abepura. In this incident there were many victims. Some of their names are as follows:
1. Jance Yogoby (broken right arm)
2. Jony Hisage (displaced cornea in left eye)
3. Andi Gobay (bullet wound in chest)
4. Erik Logo (wounded in shoulder and stomach/died on 22nd April 2009, after intensive care at General Hospital II, Abepura)
5. Aldi Uaga (shot in right leg)
6. F. Mabel (shot dead)
2). On the 11th April, one person, a motor-bike taxi rider was stabbed at the market in Jibama, Wamena by an unknown person.
3) On 18th May, in the District of Tingginambut, in the village of Wendagobak, in the mountains around Puncak Jaya, 43 Strada vehicles coming from the direction of Wamena were about 300 metres from the TNI post 754/ENK when a member of the Commando Military Unit 1706 named Serka Endaus Enumbi, who was in the front vehicle of the procession, was shot in the right shoulder from behind, and the victim is in a serious condition.
4) There was a fire fight between TPN/OPM leader Decky Imbiri and a unit of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia which happened in the district of Mamberamo Raya, in Mamberamo Hilir, which happened on the 3rd June 2009 at 1.30 pm.. The newspaper Cenderawasih Post, in its edition on 8th June 2009, said that there were eight Police on the edge of lake, who intercepted a call from from the leader of the GKI church of Papua, Pastor Jemima Krey and the leader o the GIDI Synod, Lypius Biniluk, which was received by the Police on Tuesday 2nd June 2009 to the people of the area, informing them of the shooting of the TPN/OPM leader, Decky Imbiri. The reason for this exchange of fire was that four members of Decky Imbiri’s team had been shot, and there were two dead and two wounded.
While four of the police were wounded, there was a child who was seriously wounded in the hand and leg, when the Police overran the house of the head of the GKI, Kapeso, because they had found the headquarters of Decky Imbiri. In this house, Polise arrested Nella Yanseren, together with a youth aged 14 years. As well as this, the police shot the negotiator for the District Head at Mamberamo Raya.
5) On 24th June, in the village of Konoba, in the mountain District of Tiginambut in the area of Puncak Jaya, a member of Brimob named Bribda Ahcmad was shot dead. The victim was going to the hospital at Puncak Jaya. This incident happened in a procession of five Strada vehicles from the capital of Puncak Jaya, going towards the Police post at Tiginambut, carrying a party of Brimob troops from AKBP, Prasetyo Wardhono and the Police chief of Puncak Jaya, Kompol Marselis together with Brimob troops.
6) On 11 July, at 5 am, there was a shooting by a group unknown to OPM, of a worker from Freeport Indonesia, who was working for the Department of Municipal Construction, a citizen of Australia, Mr. Drew Nicholas Grant (38), together with Mr. Lucan Jhon Biggs, a young person, and Maju Pandjaitan, a friend of the other workers, while they were driving the victim in a Toyota Land Cruiser, Lambung 01-2578 from Tembagapura towards Timika.
7) On 12th April at about 10 pm, close to Asrama Putri Hana at Potikelek in the Kab. Jayawijaya district, a non-Papuan citizen was shot dead. The incident happened at night in the city of Wamena, caused by some unknown members of the security forces.
7. Attacks, shootings and beatings by security forces
1) On 16th April at 23.25 pm, a group of TNI and Police carried out an operation in the markets at Jibama in Jayawijaya. They shot and disabled two Papuan citizens who were at the markets. The victims were taken to the public hospital in Wamena.
2) On the 7th May at the Commando Post 1709 at Serui near the village of Saubeba, about 60 metres from the markets at Serui, which it was said had been attacked by a force of TPN/OPM, who initially had been taken hostage by the TNI, by the name of a Kopka Steven Anderey, but this has not been proven, although on Wednesday 6 May 2009 it was claimed by the head of Police, Yapen Waropen AKBP Imam Setyawan that there had been an attack on the Pos TNI post at the village of Saubeba in Serui district by a group of armed men carrying AK 47s and SP (?), in this encounter two civilians were killed, named Amos and Didimus Rumayom.
3) On 9th June, di Kabupaten Kerom district, a private citizen from Arso named Robikun A was stabbed with a bayonet by members of TNI unit of Yonif 756/WMS. It began in Pratu Street, and continued in his own house, where he was chased and stabbed.
4) On 16 June at 2 pm, Waktu Papua time, in Natuna-Noari Street, Merauke, 12 members of the Merauke police arbitrarily arrested Kristianus Way, while he was getting out of his vehicle.
5) On 23rd May, a member of Brimob together with members of 88 squad Anti Terror unit, surrounded the village of Kosata in the District of Mamberamo Hilir, Mamberamo Raya. The population were afraid and ran away, leaving the village empty, according to the evidence of Kapolda Papua Police, General Dr. FX. Bagus Ekodanto.
6) On 24th May at 2 pm WP, at the District General Hospital (RSUD) at Yowari there was an angry outbreak of violence which wrecked the place and Yosias Rumbin, a security guard (SATPAM) of the hospital, was assaulted by members of the TNI. As well as this, members of the TNI 751 squad also beat up some of the patients. Many of the patients panicked and ran away to save themselves.
7) On 24th May at 10 pm WP, at the house of the head of the district office in Puncak Jaya, Lukas Enembe S, was shot by a member of the security forces. The reason for this was said to be that a member of the Police who was charged with protecting the guard post at his house was hit by shrapnel in the right hand.
8) On 24 May in the district of Mamberamo Raya, in the village of Kosata, an incident happened: a member of Brimob 1 SSK, who was going down the road towards in the early morning chasing a group of followers of Decky Imbiri and other people from Mamberamo Hilir, when there was an outbreak of firing, but fortunately there were no victims among either the civilians or Brimob officers.
9) On 26 May, in the District of Abepura near Jayapura, a uniformed member of Brimob 1 was ordered to observe a civilian in the hills around Abepura, so he went up to the house of this Papuan civilian. He burnt down the house of the man, Abe Gunung.
10) On 12 Jun in the district of Puncak Jaya, there was an operation by a group of armed security forces: one civilian was killed, 11 people shot, 7 people were raped, 20 houses burn down, and 48 pigs were killed.
11) On 22 June 2009 in the District of East Arso, a civilian from the village of Kibay was shot; his name was Isak Psakor (16 years old) by an armed party a members of the TNI from nfranty Battalion 725 at Sungai Bewan who were patrolling in large numbers around “Point 500 metre” (or Horse’s Beard) disekitar titik “500 meter” on the way to the village of Kibay, on the PNG-Papua border.
The following members of the family who were on that road and became victims;
1. Wensis Psakor (Head man)
2. Sisilia Pkeukir (In-Law Head)
3. Bob Psakor (Head Man)
4. Obeth Pyeger (In-law)
5. Margaretha Psakor (two-month old baby)
12) On 25 June at 2 pm WP, in the district of Nabire, in the area beside the market, members of the police at Nabire shot a young civilian named Melkianus Agapa because the police were chasing an escapee who had gone mad, although this reason has not been authenticated by the local people.
13) On 29 Jun, four prisoners of the Police at Puncak Jaya, were tortured by being shaved bald with razor blades by force, and then hot chili was applied to their heads, and they suffered other tortures as well.
14) On 30 June 2009, between 10.30 am and 10.45 WP, four people were shot, The People’s Committee, yang berasal dari Distrik of West Paniai, who were members of BRIMOB and BKO Police in Paniai on Iyaitaka Road, in the village of Enarotali, District of East Paniai, District of Paniai.
The civilians who became victims of Brimob are as follows:
1. Marten Yan Pigai (aged 38, male, resident of the village of Kegouda, District of West Paniai) was shot in the right thigh and stomach) people became enraged and attacked BRIMOB, after which BRIMOB shot the three following people:
2. Pendetus Boma (aged 45 Tahun, male, from the village of Kegouda, District of West Paniai) shot in the right calf.
3. Simion Keiya (aged 43, male from the village of Kegouda) shot in the neck.
4. Mika Boma (aged 59, male) shot in the chest and died on site.
15) On 3 July Fiter Wanimbo ( aged 23) died in the waiting room of the airport at Wamena while waiting for a flight to Jayapura for intensive medical help. On 30 June, at 1 am, two police from Jayawijaya delivered Fiter to the Emergency Unit of the general hospital at Wamena in a police transport vehicle. He was in a critical condition. The body of the victim had the following wounds:
1. The back of his brain was damaged
2. Penis cut off and blood flowing from his testicles
3. Both knees tied together
4. Red marks around his neck from being tied up, so that the victim was not able to breathe properly or to speak clearly; he was only able to make signs with his hands.
16). On 19 July, a member of the Police office at Paniai named Musa Sarwa shot a junior high school child, aged 16, while he was earning his school fees at a traditional market in the village of Baye, District of Paniai.
17). On 29 July at 8 pm, members of the Police in Jayawijaya shot dead a man named Yoram Tabuni who was suspected of carrying out a robbery at Himalaya supermarket.
8. Flying the Bintang Kejora flag
1) On 1 July, in recognition of the OPM Proclamation Day, 1 July 1971, the flag was flown in various places. Di Kab. Kerom district, in 3 places; in one place in the District of Jayapura, namely at Hawaii, near Koramil; in Waena Grant in the District of Heram; in the city of Jayapura, and in the district of Serui. There has not yet been any loss of lives. While the flag was being flown at the airport at Wamena, a fire was lit in the airport waiting room. The people who lit it have not been discovered or arrested by the security forces.
2) On 26 July 2009 at 05.30 am, the TPN/OPM group which is led by Lamber Pkiki raised the Bintang Kejora in Wembi, Arso Timur, in the district of Kerom. This group called on the United Nations to uphold the right to self-determination of West Papua.
3) On 29 July 2009, District of Bolakme in the Jayawijaya region, the Bintang Kejora flag was flown by a group of TPN/OPM. As well as this, they blocked the bridge between Jayawijaya and Tolikara.
9. Process of denial of human rights to the people and nation of Papua
1). On 3 July 2009, the National Council of Judges (Class IA) in Abepura determined three years imprisonment for Mr. Buctar Tabuni, who had been charged with illegal violation the unity of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
2) On 10 July, the High Court of Papua published a combined letter outlining their decision in the case against Buctar Tabuni by the Council of Judges. As well as this, the court also increased the penalty to be served by Buctar Tabuni from 6 August 2009.
3) Legal proceedings were begun against Seby Sambom, who was arrested on the 17 December 2008, involved the action of supporting the IPWP (International Parlementarians for West Papua), and was charged with treason and separatism. This will be conducted by the Courts, (Class IA) in Abepura, Jayapura,
4) A legal process was begun against Mr Musa Macho Tabuni, Diaz Mauberi dan Yance Mote, who were arrested on 3 April. This process was also taking place in the Courts Class IA in Abepura, Jayapura. They were charged with treason and separatism.
5) Legal proceedings were begun against six people who were arrested on the 6 April 2009 in Nabire. This process is presently being carried out in Nabire.
6) The legal process against these six accused is connected to the action in Kapeso in the district of Mambramo Raya, district of Serui, and the Districts of Puncak Jaya and Timika. This intensive investigative process is being carried out by a corps of police from Police HQ.
7) On 14 April 2009, 43 prisoners escaped from Wamena Jail.
8) On 10 July at about 2 pm, a political prisoner named Philip Karma escaped from Abepura General Hospital.
10. Aircraft accidents
1). On 9 April, an Avia Star aircraft crashed into Mount Supulawa, near Wamena city. The pilot, copilot and mechanic died in the accident.
2) On 17 April at noon a plane from Mimika Air was traveling from Illaga towards Timika. The plane crashed into Mount Gergaji. All passengers and the pilot died. Names of the victims are as follows:
1. Ruben Murib
2. Timina Murib
3. Anak Temina Murib
4. Marthen Jitmau (secretary KPUD Puncak Jaya)
5. Melkias Kiwak (Head of the DPC, Demokrat Party)
6. Herman Finanfi (Head of Panwaslu for Puncak Jaya district)
7. Wilem Wajau
8. Lasarus Wonda
9. 2 pilots, one of whom was namedYun W
3) On 11 May, Pesawat Hercules belonging to the TNI Airforce, Series A-1302 had a tyre blowout on landing at Wamena Airport. There were no deaths; however, some of the passengers including Aui Itlay suffered injury; the wheel came away from the plane.
4) On 29 Jun, a Twin Otter Avia Star plane came down while traveling from Yahukimo towards Wamena. In this accident, three people were lost, the pilot, copilot and the mechanic.
A. Violence Mapping At Several Regency /Cities in Papua
In this part we try to analyze violence conflict based on regency/city area mapping that happened in Papua. Several City Regencies that are the focus of our attention are as follows;
Jayapura City and its regenciess, Wamena regency, Puncak Jaya regency, Peristiwa Kapeso regency, Mambramo Raya regency, Yapen Serui, regency and Timika regency.
1) Jayapura City and its Regency
Violence and terror events that continued to happen at Jayapura City and its regency before the onset and after the 2009 legislative general election represented group actions consciously and expressly done to create conflict vertically and horizontally among the community. The central Papua hill tribes’ community, particularly the Wamena people are being accused as the agent provocateur.
The accusation is spread with certain commentaries by certain parties whether openly or secretly through the telephone or SMS that bloomed among the communities as well as the security apparatus. The stigmatization of the hill tribe’s people as the agent provocateur continues to crystallize . This is not a new matter for hill tribe communities because past experience then showed that the Papua people particularly the hill tribe people has always being made a scapegoat with various accusation by Jakarta, security apparatus as well as the Papua people themselves. The previous bloody Abepura incident of 7 December 2000 that happened as a result of the HAM infringement towards the hill tribe people is a fact that cannot be avoided. Such is the case also with various similar incidents that victimize the people .
According to our observation and also from fact the that happened in various terrorizing actions that have resulted during the post legislative election like; the discovery of bombs at Kali Tami bridge in Jayapura city, the torching of Cendrawasih University rectorate, the KPUD (Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah, Provincial Offices of the General Elections Commission) office, the stabbing of several citizens in Perumnas (Perrumahan Umum Nasional, State Housing Company) I, II and III, along with various problems of terror like the discoveries of bombs or the torching of several stores/supermarkets as well as the problems of attacks in Jayapura, the torching of Pertamina's oil storage tanks (Perusahaan Tambang Minyak Negara - State Oil Extraction Company) in Biak Numfor regency, stabbing of tricycle drivers in Wamena are actually being done by an organized group that has the ability and skills (skilled group and militant).
It defies common sense that the hill tribe’s people possess a bomb that is placed at the Kali Tami Bridge that is approximately 50 meters from the TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces) outpost, the discovery of a bomb assembly at the Sumber Makmur Abepura Jayapura store together with various incidents that are so systematic and organized. Because of that, accusations towards hill tribe’s people as agent provocateur in so many incidents that occurred are actually part of the transfer of blame .
In dealing with the problems in Papua by search action , invasion of the customs council office and arbitrarily arrest of the AMPTPI (Central Mountain Papua Indonesia Students Alliance) secretary-general Markus Haluk that is done by the security apparatus during pre-implementation of the legislative election was designed to create vertical and horizontal conflict .
Looking at the various terror and violence activities that befallen the jayapura city and its regencys as they unfolded above attracted different perception and reaction by various parties.
Looking at the various terrorism actions and the violence that befall Jayapura city and its regency as mentioned above invited differing responses and the reactions from the various parties. Wrongly, the law activist and the former chairman of Kontras Papua, Pieter Ell said that there is a scenario behind the case of terrorist attack on the Abepura City Sector Police and the burning of the UNCEN’s Rectorate. Now the chairman MRP (the People's council Papua) Agus A. Alua warned that the action was not carried out by the TPN (Tentara Pembebasan Nasional, National Liberation Army (armed wing of the OPM)/OPM (Organisesi Papua Merdeka - The Free West Papua Movement) group . Such was the response of the Vice-Governor Prov. Papua. He clearly said that the matter was ludicrous if TPN/OPM in broad daylight carried out the attack or carried out the action in Abe beach that is a short distance away from Abepura City .
Furthermore, in the Papua Times Media, the president of The Fellowship of Baptist Churches of Papua, Pastor Socratez Soyan Yoman, said that “The OPM in Papua was the OPM that was built for the main purpose of fund raising, promotion, developing the basis of security, importing apparatus in large numbers. Part of the Intelligence operation, the conditioning of regencys and the development of communication network is for the extermination of the original Papua inhabitants .
Especially relating to the burning of Cendrawasih University Rectorate, the Jayapura City Sub-Regional Police security agency the arrested 2 normal civilians who lived behind the new Uncen Waena Campus. Moreover, 2 people were made DPO (Daftar Pencarian Orang - Wanted List) the search target with initials of JT . therefore in accordance with the JT acknowledgment to us that before the incident, he himself has been in the Mambramo Tengah regency in connection with the Team of the Success ,one of the Legislative elections in the regency.
Then also when the burning of the KPU Provincial Office occurred, one of the Regional Police senior officials telephoned one of the members Papua Provincial DPRP (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Papua - The Papua People's Representative Council) that according with the intelligence report by the Papua Regional Police, they saw Markus Haluk was at the Office of Jayapura PLTN at 03:00 morning Papua time. Whereas at that time, I was resting in my rented house in Perumnas I Waena.
As such, all the violence that happened in Jayapura and Papua purposely in general is really part of the country's plan for the project; of troops increase, of security expenditure increase, for the promotion of rank and position.
Jayawijaya Regency
The violence and stabbing that struck the migrant population in Wamena before the General Election legislative until now is still filled with questions among the community. This is because the actor and his perpetrators have not yet been revealed transparently to the public. Several days ago, the police carried out the arrest of several civilians who were heading towards Wamena city from their respective village. Apart from them, 2 civilians were arrested and accused as the perpetrators of stabbing and the violence. Hope the Justice council will oversee this problem wisely and justly.
Because in accordance with the report that we received, since the Adat Balim Council’s Office was officially established on May 1 2008, the security apparatus tired several methods to dissolve it by trying to burn this office . However the efforts and yearning by this security apparatus up to now has not yet bear fruits. As usual, all the activities that were carried out by the Adat Balim Council did not escape from attention of security apparatus. They always spy on, terrorised and acted without any human decency.
In the tradition of the Balim warriors, when the opponent/ enemy is killed, the Warek will be brought home afterwards was handed over to the honai wim aila (The War Command Center) . Diverting from that, I as the traditional Balim child has checked with the chairman and the secretary of the Adat Balim Council as to what Warek has been sent to Adat Balim Council Honai? My question was responded by stating that because the Adat Balim Council never planned any stabbing and murder we therefore do not receive/accept Warek to be kept in the Adat Balim Council Honai. Moreover the Adat Balim Council Honai Chairman, the honorable Lemok Mabel personally became a candidate for the Buru Party for the Papua DPRP Prov. Therefore stabbing and killing of the tricycle drivers was a wild and provocative action meant to trap the Balim traditional community.
Nabire Regency
The violence and terrorism that happened in the Nabire Regency began with the attack action from the combination of the policing apparatus and the TNI towards the Papua masses that was bundled into the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), the Nabire region at that time carried out protest action with the point of boycotting of the general election at the Gizi regency airfield, Nabire. In accordance with our observation, the executive's side and the legislative that must accommodate aspirations of the community did not play a role. Persuasive steps to meet were also not through followed by authorised sides, but instead all the processes were handed over to security apparatus. We could imagine the impact if all the process in the handling the aspirations was handed over to the security apparatus. It is for certain physical violence and fatalities will be difficult to avoid when the handling the aspirations of the community and all that will occurred.
The shooting, the violence that happened in Nabire included the capture of civilians was scenario the Nation through the security apparatus is carrying out in silencing of the public’s freedom of expression and curtailing the room for democracy and human rights in Papua. This became clearer following the arrest of civilians and several other activists. At this time, 15 people are undergoing the due process of the law in the Nabire Regency district court.
Puncak Jaya Regency
The violence actions and the shooting in Puncak Jaya Regency surfaced for the first time during 2004. After several years of tranquility, the exchange of fire erupted again at the end of 2008. Due to the impact of this exchange of fire, many became casualties among the civilian population, the security apparatus (the TNI and Republic of Indonesia State Police)as well as those who were suspected to be members of the TPN/OPM. Apart from fatalities, properties belonging to the civilian population were also destroyed or damaged. Even though almost five years of the violence conflict has occurred in Puncak Jaya, there is still no serious effort by the various sides especially the Indonesian government to resolve it. The exact step undertaken by the government every time there is violence in Puncak Jaya was to increase the number of security apparatus (TNI troops and POLRI) from the various units that was doing intensive operations by organic means as well as non organic means.
According to the report we received, the shooting at the district head Service house of Puncak Jaya was not done by the Goliat Tabuni group, but, was carried out from amongst the security apparatus themselves. Likewise too is the shooting against several members of Brimob (Brigade Mobil - Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade). It defies common sense that the shooting against the Brimob Commander’s entourage occurred just 50 meters away from the TNI post. The report that we received from trusted sources indicated that all the processes of violence and shootouts that happened in Puncak Jaya, is to ensure that the formation of battalions in Tingginambut can go on smoothly. According to one of the leading figures, in the near future, a battalion or the likes will be set up in Tingginambut soon, although not filling conditions but will continued to be forced upon.
This matter was revisited and stressed by Pastor Socratez Sofyan Yoman, the president of the service center body of the fellowship of Papua Baptist churches said “It is clearly seen t all the violence that happened in Timika, Puncak Jaya, Yapen Waropen and all over the Papua not by the Papua people until now was given by the stigma of OPM…this is only the engineering of the security apparatus….all this stage play and engineering must be stopped” he revealed .
Mambramo Raya Regency
The shooting incident in Kapeso sub district, Mambramo Raya was not the pure action of the Decky Imbiri group that was accused as members of the TPN/OPM. This action happened when the local traditional community demanded the resolution of their land use rights. This was expressed by a well-known person of the Tradition that is also the chairman of the council of Community Tradition (LMA - Lembaga masyarakat Adat) of Mambramo regency, Markus Tasti. According to him, the police have not yet touch on the root problem. The seizing of the airfield taking in Mambramo Raya was triggered by dissatisfaction of the traditional community on the communal right for the disposal of land that was not acknowledged by Regional Government local. In addition, the seizing of Kapeso Airport happened as a protest action towards the exploitation of natural resources Mambramo Raya regency Because of that, according to the chairman LMA of Mambramo Raya regency, the police should not easily avoid the problem by accusing the community as members of the TNP/OPM .
Meanwhile the chairman of KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum, General Election Commission) in Mambramo Raya regency, in respond to the Kapeso action of seizing the airfield, said that apart from demanding the resolution of communal right of disposal, there was the element of the legislative members that failed to receive their seats let their disappointment boil over by becoming involved in seizing of the Kapeso airfield . The civilian's action that demanded this communal right of disposal afterwards was shifted by the security apparatus to the members of the TPN/OPM that was led by Deky Imbiri. Likewise Pastor Nela Yanseran that was accused as the supporter of the separatist was arrested and detained by the Papua Regional Police .
Yapen-Serui Regency
The capture, the burning of houses, terrorism and intimidation that was experienced by the civilians in Yapen Regency did not escape the deeds of the security apparatus actions in carrying out suppression against the civilian in the various regencies of Papua. The security apparatus quickly shifted the capture of civilians in this Regency with the Mabramo Raya regency Incident. Several Regional Police officials said that the perpetrators of the calamity in Kapeso Airport of Mambramo Raya regency crossed over to Serui Regency .
The Nation’s aim through security apparatus will in fact paralyse the civilians’ strengths in this regency. Because based on several notes that are available to us, since the last few months, the public's actions by the Papua people began to emerge. They expressed the failure of special Autonomy, the violation of human rights including corruptions. The action as mentioned above is encouraged by the young section of the population; one of the young leading figures that are active in condemning the action of the Country's violence is Wilson Urukwaya (Chairman of Youth’s Tradition). Wilson Urukwaya, in the end was made the target of capture by Serui Regency’s policing apparatus of the sub regional police.
Timika Regency
It is still fresh in the Papua people's memory, the shooting incident during 2002 that cumulated with the arrest of the Pastor Isak Ondowame and his associates in 2006. They were accused as being the perpetrators of the shooting. After the Indonesian government succeeded in arresting the civilians, the United States Government lifted the weapon embargo on the Indonesian Government as a quid pro quo. Apart from this, there was also a reemphasize of debates for House Representative 2601 that was first debated by the US Congress in 2005.
Likewise, when the time Papua people rose to oppose PT. Freeport in 2005- 2006, the consequences was the death of 5 members of police apparatus (4 members of the Brimob) and 1 member of TNI AU, all that was demanded by the Papua people was silenced because of deaths of members of this security apparatus. Since this incident, all the securities of the vital areas of PT. Freeport were taken over by the Brimob of Papua Regional Police with formation of the Amole Task Force 1 and 2. The death of the five members of the Brimob was redeemed by the transfer of the security of the PT. Freeport areas from the TNI to police.
The shooting by unknown group (OTK) in Mile 52 on July 11 2009 at 05,00 Papua time, that befallen the employees of PT. Freeport Indonesia that worked in the Department of Municipal Construction Expert, an Australian Citizen, Mr. Drew Nicholas Grant (38), with Mr. Lucan Jhon Biggs (the driver) and Maju Pandjaitan (fellow casualty). At the time the vehicle met with the misfortune, the Toyota Land Cruiser with the side number 01-2578 was coming from Tembagapura and heading toward Timika. On July 2 2009 the shooting against the members of the Brimob occurred at BKO (Badan koordinasi Operasi - Operational Unit) Amole 2. The condition in Amungsa, often received attention from the various leaders of the country’s agencies, for example the LSM (NGO), churches - both at the National and International level, and from the national agencies.
Sesmenkopolhukam together with the highest management (the core) from Republic of Indonesia police and from the Headquarters of Indonesian National Army (the TNI) representing the Central Government visited Amungsa in Timika, West Papua. After visiting several times later, 1000 joint personnel of the security apparatus (RI police and the TNI) organic and non organic was mobilised to carry out the search operation in the area of PT. Freeport Indonesia .
Diverting from the shooting of the Australian citizen on July 11 as mentioned above, we were recently challenged to see the actual condition that occurred in PT. Freeport during the last several years. In accordance with the YAHAMAK (Foundation for Human Rights and Anti-Violence.) and the AMPTPI (Central Mountain Papua Indonesia Students Alliance) reports and investigations since the year 2004-2009, we can find several reasons as follows;
1. The importance of peace between the security Apparatus; between police and the TNI, each side had interests with the guarding of the vital objects of PT. FI. The TNI cannot just like that accept that all the securities of the vital objects of PT.FI have been handed over to the police (Brimob).
2. The traditional prospectors of Gold (Mile 30-74). All the residents from various ethnic groups in Indonesia are looking for fortune in turbid water that is full of poisonous waste. Panning in Especially Mile 68-74, residents who carried out panning was sent by the security Apparatus. The good internal security apparatus PT. FI in spite of being external made the traditional prospecting a permanent business. The yield of gold that panned is exchanged for bottles of alcohol, instant noodles and various other items. They who had been to Tembagapura will see the strict security of civilians that entered the area of PT. FI. According the company’s regulations apart from the employees of PT. FI, the security apparatus are not permitted to enter Tembagapura . The respective guard posts tightly checked each passenger who will enter the area of PT.FI. Even though the security is very tight, nevertheless at this time more than 5,000 thousand residents from the various ethnic groups are carrying out panning activity at mile 68-74. Those who are panning for gold, buys food and the other necessities from the security apparatus .
3. The internal problems of PT. Freeport. This company has various internal problems. The birth of TONGGOI Papua that later rose to demand their rights as the original inhabitants of Papua was one of the facts that became very obvious. Besides that, the group until now subsists from the efforts of Titus Narkime. Silas Narkime and associates currently is suing PT. FI.
From the three reasons above in accordance with our findings and study, the several assumptions of the shooting perpetrators points to the first group namely the security apparatus as the perpetrators. The inhumane capture, search, the raids as well as the detention of civilians in Timika city and outside the legal procedures that transpired in the Republic of Indonesia Unitary State represents the transfer of attention (Opini Konflik Propaganda – Conflict Opinion Propaganda). This process is a repetition of the arrest of Pastor Isak Ondowame and his associates, in 2005 which was related to the shooting incident in Mile 62-63, Tembagapura Timika in 2002.
Diverging from the analysis of the Country's violence actions that became clearer since integration on May 1 1963 especially pre-postelection and Pilpres (Presidential Election) starting from the month April-July 2009 can give me a picture as to the various aims of the Country that is encouraged in the Papua. Several of the Country's aims that I meant can be revealed can be seen in the following below:
1. The Country consciously and systematically is carrying out the process of curtailing democracy, human rights and the Law for the Papua people in their ancestral land. The silencing by the Country is obviously being carried out and is clearly seen through the actions of the security apparatus especially the police in the Papua. The Security apparatus, under name of national security carried out the terrorism actions of intimidation, silencing, arrests, kidnappings, raids, burnings and the shooting against the Papua people under the accusation of interfering with the national agenda. The provocative actions, accusations and terrorism increased sharply before, around and after the general election and Pilpres.
The discussions that arose in Papua especially in Jayapura were that all the violence actions were carried out by the hill tribes’ students. Wamena especially at the national level gave rise to the discussions that all the violence actions n Papua were carried out by the separatist group, TPN/OPM. As such, the logic was that if the hill tribes’ people (Wamena) are accused of carrying out the violence, the attacks and various violence actions that visited the elections and Pilpres then the Wamena people (the hill tribes) are TPN/OPM separatist.
When viewed from the sideline, the Country clearly succeeded in silencing democracy, the law and human rights in the Papua. At the same time, with the same interests, the same the Country through the Justice Council sentenced Buctar Tabuni to 3 years detention.
2. Conditioning the Papua territory. What is happening in the Papua today is actually a repetition of a highly classified document; (1). Departemen Dalam Negeri Direkturat Jendral Kesatuan Bangsa (The Home Affairs Department, Unity of The Nation’s Director General - Kesbang) and Linmas in the official note number; 576/ND/KESBANG/D IV/VI/2000 on June 9 2000 that were based on the Governor’s Radiogram (Caretaker) The Level 1 District Head of Irian Jaya No. BB.091/POM/060200 on June 2 2000 which concerned the demands of the Papua indigenous people for self-determination. In this letter was mentioned that the implementers in the field is the Home Affairs Department, the Foreign Affairs Department, BAKIN. BAIS TNI, BIN, SPAM MABES AD, ASTER-KASTER TNI, ASINTEL MABES Republic of Indonesia State Police, KOSTRAD and KOPASUS. (2). The Dewan Ketahanan Nasional Sekretariatan Jendral (The National Defense committee Secretary General) document, Jakarta on May 27 2003 and on May 28 2003 about the resolution strategy of Separatist’s background conflicts in Papua province through political approach.
3. Blocking the escape of the Legislative Member Candidate in the level of the Regency right up the centre especially caleg (calon anggota legislatif - legislative candidate) that participate from the Papua Customs Council, leading figures of the Papua Independence movement and the activist's circle. There was the deep concern by the Country that when certain elements from the circle/certain organisation slipped through the legislative general election in 2009. The names that were suspect were recorded by the intelligence from the respective institutions.
Because of that it is not surprising if the regency/the city that became the target especially Jayapura, Wamena, Serui and several other areas occurred conflicts until the hill tribe communities in particular and Papua in general dare not given voting rights. And that became clearer, leading figures who became the targets did not participate for the legislative term of 2009-2014.
4.The country's other Target especially the security apparatus is the opportunity to move troops on a large scale to the Papua region. This aim was proven during the attack that occurred at Abepura’s Sector Police on April 8, when several days afterwards with the arrival of Brimob troops from the Kelapa II center in Jakarta. Following that, these troops were sent in to Kapeso sub district of Mambramo Raya regency. Likewise with the incident in Timika, just as with the Australian citizen who was shot on July 11, not long later, troops were sent on a large scale that numbered 1000 joint personnel of the TNI and Republic of Indonesia State Police.
5.The liquidation of the large funds in Papua from various sources starting from the funds of APBN, APBD, Special Autonomy, PT. Freeport Royalties and other assistances including those from 5 UN forums that is in Papua. In order that the security apparatus could also get the allocations thus various rumours and conflicts in Papua continued to be maintained and played out by security apparatus.
6.The interest of the economy with large scale exploitation of Papua’s natural resources. Clearly the existence of the Indonesian nation in Papua land fulfills Brigadier General Alli Murtopo of the TNI statement that “… We did not require Papua people, but what we require are the natural resources of Papua…”
7. From all the above mentioned, the Country's long-term target was the process of the extermination of the Melanesia Ethnic Group in west Papua so that Jakarta can control Papua with ease .
After electing the SBY-Boediono duo as the RI President and Vice President for the 2009-2012 term, most Papua people were placing high hopes that the Jakarta Papua conflict will be resolve through high level dialogue. This hope of the Papua people became clearer with the victory of SBY-Boediono winning more than 70 % in Papua. In this time there were increases as previously SBY received only 60 % the votes. In the previous period, the people also had hoped that the Jakarta Papua conflict resolution will be resolved through dialogue. Nevertheless what is really the policy of the SBY-JK leadership 2004-2009 relating to the Jakarta Papua conflict resolution? In accordance with my observation until now, there was nothing to boast of that was carried out by SBY during the previous period.
Conversely, if we looked more critical, actually many policies that were carried out by SBY in the previous period, sent the Papua people to the death chasm. I will mention several policies that are really disturbing:
1. On December 26 2004, as a Christmas gift SBY sent PP. No. 54 about the Papua People Council (MRP). Originally the people Papua placed a lot of hope on the role of this agency, but after in-depth studies were carried about its function and role, it became evident that its contents were empty alias a toothless tiger. This became clearer where after this agency was formed all the related decisions were sidelined, the protection and the rescue of not even one Papua person was heeded by Jakarta. Among the several MRP’s decisions that ought to be mentioned;
•The result of the public consultation about the Province of West Irian Jaya on November 2005, during that time the Papua people in the area unanimously refused the IJB (Irian Jaya Barat - West Irian Jaya) Provincial. Upon the decision of the MRP agency, Jakarta not response but on the reverse, Jakarta went through the Interior Department and appointed the KPU (General Elections Commission) center to hold the Governor's Election of March 11 2006.
•The decision concerning the mining operation of PT. Freeport. This agency explicitly argued for the temporary closure of PT. Freeport mining operation while at the same time in the US, a 3 way dialogue was happening with Jakarta, Papua and the Freeport owner.
•The MRP’s decision about the Bintang Kejora Flag and Buruk Mambruk as the symbol of the area, which is superseded by the XVII Trikora Look.
•The representations of 11 seats for the Papua indigenous people as that was entrusted by Special Autonomy UU, MRP fought for them with all efforts but the KPU center did not accommodate them.
2.There is the large scale blooming of regencies. Before the SBY leadership, legally all of Papua was one Province and there were not more than 20 plus the Regencies/ cities but after the SBY leadership in the Papua, there are now 2 additional provinces and 40 regencies/cities. In the future the opportunity is still there for the implementation of additional Provinces and Regencies.
3.The issuance of various legal policies that is against the mutual spirits of the implementation of the special autonomy, like in the proclamation of PP. No. 77 about the banning of the Attribute and symbol-symbol of the area, the issuing of PP. No. 01 about the undertaken revisions of No. UU 21 of the special autonomy.
4.There has occurred the development of the Military Infrastructure on a large scale, from 3 to 6 Battalion, the increase f Korem (Komando Resort Militer - Military Command at a level below the residency), Lanud, Lantamal, Kodim (Komando Distrik Militer - District Military Command), District Police and various other programs.
5.During the administration of the SBY leadership, the HIV figure/AIDS in the Papua also continued to increase sharply from time to time .
6.The international media's Access and the visit of the senators and members of the Congress, analysts and diplomats is still being restricted.
7.The room for democracy, the Law and human rights for the West Papua people is very restricted. Many leading figures were caught and imprisoned when giving the opinions about independence in public.
8.The shooting incidents and casualties of violence continue to increase from time to time.
9.The room for dialogue between the Papua people and Jakarta has never been open. Although on several occasions, the president conveyed that the resolution of the Papua problem should be through peaceful dialogue. However all that has happened until now is just monologue (the intergovernmental dialogue) where the Central Government goes down to meet the regional government or vice versa where the entourage of the regional government will meet with Jakarta.
Moving on from the experiences as was mentioned above, for the second term of the SBY leadership then the solution for resolution of the conflict between Jakarta and Papua is still not clear. During the presentation of vision and mission as well as campaigning times, open or closed, SBY then did not touch at all on the subject of the Jakarta Papua conflict resolution. Therefore although the Papua people returned 70% of the votes for SBY to continue for the second term of his administration, the future of the Papua people still remains a question to all of us.
Although the previous term experiences were like that, nevertheless the people of Papua continued to have hope as to the resolution of the violence in the conflict between Jakarta and Papua. Our hope is the resolution of the violent conflict of Papua-Jakarta by having open and meaningful dialogue between Jakarta and Papua mediated by a neutral 3rd Nation .
At the end of this report, I wish to reiterate some of the issues again:
1.The Nation’s violence against the civil community for the 4 months around the postelection Legislative and Pilpres period increased drastically. The violence that happened was caused:
•As part of the conscious process and systematic manner which the Country through the security apparatus attempts to suppress democracy, human rights and the Law.
•As the consequential reaction that was carried out by certain groups whether by the civil rights groups or by the normal civilian population themselves that has been infiltrated by the TPN/OPM group.
2.The Security apparatus considered all the violence that happened for 4 months were carried out by the TPN/OPM group except the shooting in Timika and thus to be handled excessively without the need for open dialogue to visit the true problem. Various opinions through the electronic and print media were formulated to support the policy of the Country.
3.The arbitrary arrest, the raids on the residents’ houses, the inhumane shooting against the civilians by the security apparatus really increased. It seemed that this Country have no rule of law. The law submitted to the authorities and on behalf of the people is suppressed appallingly.
4.When the violence conflicts occurred in Papua, among the civil community, there is no political leader who responded firmly to the violence that is happened now apart from the management circle/the coalition of NGOs and the leadership of the church that always responded to these atrocities.
5.The condition of the Papua people at this time, are in a mood of being bored, nauseated, emotional, irritated and angry at various incidents that happened in Papua. Because of that they will rise forward to oppose them by respectable means. Our hope is that the Country will not use security apparatus to silence Papua again.
This are the reiterations that we wish to convey. Hopefully, Sang (an honorific) Khalik who is full of love will bestow his grace on all of us to read the signs of the future era that is becoming clearer in Papua.
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